Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Eau Claire Housing Complex Bans Smoking Inside Homes

Hello To All My Cigar Smokers,

Well it's not a government intruision into our live but it is quasi-governemt (H.O.A.) which has stepped into our lives! A housing development in Wisconsin has banned smoking in your own home and it's residents are really the culprits here and the HOA let things run and land where they may. Smoking on your patio is ok, as long as it doesn't pass over into a neighbors yard (smoke must float up) and no smoking inpublic common areas like the community BBQ pit or in the park within the community. The HOA cannot pass this kind of ruling by itself because every resident has to sign off on it before it can be added to the residential by-laws and if your trying to move in there you must sign this agreement before your able to move in.

So what's next? No BBQ's, it has smoke as an important part of the equation and smoke can travel from yard to yard. BBQ grill smoke has toxin's within it that are just as harmful as cigarette's so I don't see how one is legal and one is not. I'm glad I don't live there but then again they get snow there and where it snows the Czar shall not live!!! What do you think about this one especially when cigar smokers age their precious stick and now they cannot enjoy them in this community? Well this is setting the stage for more of the same to follow! Watch out there are more things to come!

Spark one up and enjoy!!! Smoke Em' If You Got Em'!


AAAEAU CLAIRE, Wis. -- Some residents have decided to outlaw smoking inside homes at a housing complex in Eau Claire.

Members of the Fairfax Parkside Homeowners Association voted last week on the ban for the 34-unit development. It also prohibits smoking in shared spaces, such as porches and garages, but does allow it in yards and patios.

Association President Dave Hanvelt proposed the regulation earlier this year because homeowners are so close and smoke from one unit could flow into the one next door.
Last year, the Eau Claire City Council approved a controversial ban on smoking in indoor public places, including taverns.

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